Festival Events
LOOP Barcelona 2020

Premiere "La città dentro" and "Black, I Mean Normal"
On November 20t, 2020, as a major input to the A-Place project, LOOP Barcelona announced the premiere of the video production that won the first year edition of the open call. The winning proposal was
Posted on 21/03/30
LOOP Barcelona 2020

Premiere 'TERRApolis: Puig d’Ossa'
On November 21st, 2020, LOOP Barcelona presented the premiere of “TERRApolis: Puig d’Ossa” by Sitesize, an artist collective that includes Elvira Pujol and Joan Vila i Puig, who were
Posted on 21/03/30
LOOP Barcelona 2020

Presentation and debate: “A Weaved Place. Screening of Film, Territorial Analysis and Debate”
On November 21, 2020, together with the screening of the video “TERRApolis. Puig D’Ossa” by Sitesize, two-and-a-half hour programme with the title L’Hospitalet, “A
Posted on 21/03/30
LOOP Barcelona 2020

Presentation and debate “A-Place a Year After: Are We Constructing Places?”
In order to partake the creative placemaking actions that the project has carried out across Europe this past year with external experts, on November 17, 2020, we have organized the session “A-P
Posted on 21/03/30
LOOP Barcelona 2020

Presentation and debate “Audio Description and Audio Subtitling of Videoworks: A Place of Its Own”
Following the challenges posed by the production of the films “La città dentro” and “Black, I Mean Normal”, LOOP Barcelona has also organized the meeting Audio Descripti
Posted on 21/03/30