Placemaking Events
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

AHiddenPlace goes delicious - contributing to the actions of ADeliciousPlace in Nicosia
With this action we virtually interconnected the story of AHiddenPlace place in Ljubljana and the story of ADeliciousPlace taking place at the Pame Kaimakli festival in Nicosia. The latter created the
Posted on 20/11/03
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

AHiddenPlace goes on show – student exhibition opening
The work and results of the student workshop are exhibited at the UL FA official annual student works exhibition. This year it took place in an exceptional circumstances – the exhibition has for
Posted on 20/07/10
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

AHiddenPlace goes tangible – student competition for a symbolic on-site intervention
In order to compensate for the cancelled on-site construction of the proposed plans and events by students groups in the previous workshop sessions, we organised a competition for a provisional
Posted on 20/06/09
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

Students’ proposals for temporary interventions and events
In the last segment of the workshop course students collected and synthesised all the knowledge and information gained in previous sessions – from theoretical knowledge and references to actual
Posted on 20/05/19
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

'Hey you, out there, have a say, have a place!' – Masterclass on the interview methodology and practice with Zala
In order to get an insight into the views, opinions and attitudes towards AHiddenPlace by the different public groups, we implemented a two-session masterclass (within the student workshop) under the
Posted on 20/04/14
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

Behind the fence - exploring the site & first impressions
In the first half of the March students of the workshop in Ljubljana were encouraged to explore and learn about AHiddenPlace onsite. The initial plan of visiting the site together with all the student
Posted on 20/03/26
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

AHiddenPlace goes green
After getting more familiar with AHiddenPlace location through our visits, students presentations and discussions in previous workshop sessions, we had organised a guest lecture, delivered by the memb
Posted on 20/03/26
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

What is a place, who is it “making” and what is placemaking?
On our second meeting of the workshop (Zoom meeting due to Covid19), participating students were delivered a lecture by the artistic mentors of the ProstoRož. The lecture systematically covered notion
Posted on 20/03/22
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

Launching of the student workshop in Ljubljana
At the beginning of March, the foreseen 3-month student workshop has been launched at the Faculty of Architecture (Ljubljana). The goal of the workshop is to initiate the collaboration between the mem
Posted on 20/03/17