Placemaking Events
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

Pick your favourite!
The proposals or A-pla(y)ce interventions were now presented by students to the local community representatives and exhibited in the neighbourhood community place. The event was followed by a lively d
Posted on 21/05/30
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

Students' proposals • discussions
In the last segment of the workshop course students collected and synthesised all the knowledge and information gained in previous sessions – from theoretical knowledge and references to actual
Posted on 21/05/29
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

Guest lecture and consultations: Playscapes • Creativity and Safety
The workshop process has now gradually reached the design phase. Students insight into the alleys structure, children’s behaviour and parents or teachers’ opinions have progressively matur
Posted on 21/05/25
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

What adults say…
After getting an insight into what children have to “say” by play, students were now invited to ask the adults as well! Different interview techniques were used to reach various users, fro
Posted on 21/05/22
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

Playing with kids & challenging wits!
Students were now invited to pilot the knowledge gained and the observation techniques acquired in the previous lectures. We organised several ventures where students were able to meet the kids from a
Posted on 21/05/19
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

Exploring A-pla(y)ce alleys and the neighbourhood
To get the first impressions of the location, students were encouraged to explore and learn about the A-pla(y)ce alleys and neighbourhood surroundings onsite. Due to current Covid19 regulations in Mar
Posted on 21/05/14
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

Guest lecture: Children in the playground - observation techniques • psychological account
After getting more familiar with the location and thematic focus of the workshop, students were invited to the second guest lecture delivered by prof. dr. Matija Svetina, a professor at the Department
Posted on 21/05/14
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

Guest lecture: Planning of Play Space • from strategic to implementation level
After the first introductory session of the workshop with students and mentors, we dug into the “playmaking” challenges with a guest lecturer, dr. Maja Simoneti, a licensed landscape archi
Posted on 21/05/13
A-Pla(y)ce in Ljubljana

A-pla(y)ce workshop is launched!
The foreseen 2-month student workshop has been launched at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana. Curiosity and interest for the complex “placemaking by playmaking” challen
Posted on 21/05/12