Placemaking Events

A Visionary Place in Bologna

The Finnish artist Nina Backman visiting our Parklet

On July 21, 2021 the Finnish artist Nina Backman visited our parklet in Bologna and gave a lecture at City Space Architecture's headquarters on her Silence Project. Nina has recenly curated, as

Posted on 21/07/26

A Delicious Place

Community Dinners

Within the framework of A Delicious Place activity and the celebration of different notions of food, Urban Gorillas have collaborated with the local cultural space in Kaimakli, Thalami for the organis

Posted on 21/04/01

A Seedling Place

Urban Playground, Toyo University, Japan

Urban Playground was a design thinking workshop led by Urban Gorillas for the CreaToyo event of Toyo University. The Workshop was part of a series of learning events in the context of the current Euro

Posted on 21/02/05

A Visionary Place in Bologna

First Parklet of Bologna

As a placemaking activity of A Visionary Place, City Space Architecture designed and implemented a parklet in front of its operational headquarters in the Porto-Saragozza neighbourhood. A pa

Posted on 21/01/13

A Visionary Place in Bologna

English language workshop 'Come and speak English at the Parklet!'

With the collaboration of TWYO language training institute, City Space Architecture provided the locals and Bologna residents with the opportunity to converse in English with a qualified native s

Posted on 21/01/13

A Delicious Place

Vertical Garden

A Delicious Place is a placemaking activity composed of a series of actions that were hosted at the Pame Kaimakli 2020 festival in Nicosia. The festival's main theme revolved around the topic of f

Posted on 20/11/19

A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

AHiddenPlace goes delicious - contributing to the actions of ADeliciousPlace in Nicosia

With this action we virtually interconnected the story of AHiddenPlace place in Ljubljana and the story of ADeliciousPlace taking place at the Pame Kaimakli festival in Nicosia. The latter created the

Posted on 20/11/03

A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

Launching of the student workshop in Ljubljana

At the beginning of March, the foreseen 3-month student workshop has been launched at the Faculty of Architecture (Ljubljana). The goal of the workshop is to initiate the collaboration between the mem

Posted on 20/03/17