Placemaking Events
A_Just Place: Expo & Radio

Grand Hospice - expo video presentation
During the opening of A Just Expo the students presented a comparative research study on temporary occupations, critically questioning the values, narratives, practices, sites, and pedagogies of Pali
Posted on 23/02/06
A Re-Place

Tadaaam! We are almost done • A Re-Place is like a new place!
In the last steps of the workshop, the participants did their best to fine-tune their design solutions, they made some final touches and prepared everything for the presentation and demonstration. Sin
Posted on 22/04/26
A Re-Place

Reuse and recycle • Learning by doing!
Now, after all the thinking process, things just need to be done! Students have tackled the tasks and started moulding the materials. Through such hands-on work, we were all engaged in ac
Posted on 22/04/25
A Re-Place

Yay! • Finally, we go ahead with the work on-site!
After sharing our knowledge and experiences in the lecture rooms, tackling the reuse concepts, by also broadening our horizons in sustainable design, now finally (!) we’ve got to the site. Hands
Posted on 22/04/23
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Mapping and constructing places
This sequence of activities was carried out between April and November 2021. The aim was to involve pupils from different educational levels in a learning process about the sense of place in public sp
Posted on 21/12/19
A Future Place in Lisbon

The virtual exhibition 'Neighbourhood Through My Lens'
The virtual exhibition "Neighbourhood Through My Lens" includes the works of the participants of the Photography Workshop held within the scope of the activity "My Neighbourhood... My P
Posted on 21/11/25
A Future Place in Lisbon

Workshops “My Neighbourhood…. My Place”
As a continuation of collaboration between NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University of Lisbon, the Nova Institute of Philosophy, AMIGLuz Association, and the A-PLACE Project, the
Posted on 21/11/22
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Urban walk in La Florida neighbourhood
On June 22, 2021, we organized an urban walk through the neighbourhood of La Florida. in collaboration with members of the Espai Jove Sidecar, a community initiative to prevent the risk of social
Posted on 21/11/17
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Competition for mobile place activators
Teams of 3 to 5 students of the LAB Unit of the fourth and fifth year of La Salle School of Architecture will design and build an artefact to be installed in the public spaces of L’Hospitalet wi
Posted on 21/04/01
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Signifying the territory: Interviews with local representatives
During April/May 2020 -in the time of confinement- the students of the course Systems of Representation of La Salle School of Architecture contacted representatives of cultural and civic associations
Posted on 20/09/17
A Hidden Place in Ljubljana

Launching of the student workshop in Ljubljana
At the beginning of March, the foreseen 3-month student workshop has been launched at the Faculty of Architecture (Ljubljana). The goal of the workshop is to initiate the collaboration between the mem
Posted on 20/03/17