Enhancing people’s sensorial awareness about their living environment
Enhancing people’s sensorial awareness about their living environment, in urban and natural settings, helps to reinstitute lost links between body and space. The sensorial walk in Schaerbeek and the recording of sounds in Mouraria, contributed to enhancing the sensitivity towards the living environment. City sounds, tastes, smells, and noises are part of a place identity. The activities helped people to become aware of their presence and value.
Filters Selected
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Media Productions:
Space perception
Activities (5):

Events (9):

Signature of a cooperation agreement with the Muncipality of Bologna
In April 2022 City Space Architecture started to discuss with the Municipality of Bologna regarding the possibility to sign a cooperation agreement for the implementation of a biodiversity public gard...
Posted on 23/12/13

Art event with Yari Miele on the occasion of the Art City White Night
The Italian artist Yari Miele created a site-specific installation at City Space Architecture headquarters and the biodiversity public garden for the Art City White Night of Arte Fiera. This internati...
Posted on 23/12/13

What adults say…
After getting an insight into what children have to “say” by play, students were now invited to ask the adults as well! Different interview techniques were used to reach various users, fro...
Posted on 21/05/22

Exploring A-pla(y)ce alleys and the neighbourhood
To get the first impressions of the location, students were encouraged to explore and learn about the A-pla(y)ce alleys and neighbourhood surroundings onsite. Due to current Covid19 regulations in Mar...
Posted on 21/05/14

A Confined Urban Vision
A short film competition “A Confined Urban Vision” was organised to explore and widen the meaning of places in the unprecedented situation of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is the first ...
Posted on 21/01/22

AHiddenPlace goes tangible – student competition for a symbolic on-site intervention
In order to compensate for the cancelled on-site construction of the proposed plans and events by students groups in the previous workshop sessions, we organised a competition for a provisional ...
Posted on 20/06/09

Perception and representation of space in time of confinement with photographic media
These works were planned and carried out in the period of confinement, during March and April 2020, within the subject Systems of Representation at the School of Architecture La Salle. Th...
Posted on 20/04/26

'Hey you, out there, have a say, have a place!' – Masterclass on the interview methodology and practice with Zala
In order to get an insight into the views, opinions and attitudes towards AHiddenPlace by the different public groups, we implemented a two-session masterclass (within the student workshop) under the ...
Posted on 20/04/14

Behind the fence - exploring the site & first impressions
In the first half of the March students of the workshop in Ljubljana were encouraged to explore and learn about AHiddenPlace onsite. The initial plan of visiting the site together with all the student...
Posted on 20/03/26

From Russia with Love
A little over a year ago and in the middle of winter, I arrived in this wonderful city. When I was still in my country, Spain, I remember that people were surprised when I told them that I was going t...
Posted on July 29, 2021
Placemakers (32):

Luisa Bravo
Bologna (Italy)
Luisa Bravo is a global academic scholar and educator, cultural entrepreneur and public space activi...

Giulia Gualtieri
Bologna (Italy)
Giulia is an architect and urban development strategist, specialised in human-centred design and pla...

Adrià Sanchez Llorens
Barcelona (Spain)
Adrià Sanchez Llorens is a practicing architect, trained and qualified at La Salle University...

Leandro Madrazo
Barcelona (Spain)
A-Place project coordinator, full professor and director of the research group ARC Engineering and A...

Maria Irene Aparicio
Lisbon (Portugal)
Maria Irene Aparício (Ph.D. in Cinema, New University of Lisbon, 2011) is a researcher of Cin...

Patrícia Pereira
Lisbon (Portugal)
Patrícia Pereira is a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences, Faculty of Soc...

Špela Verovšek
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Špela Verovšek graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and gain her PhD degree...

Angel Martín Cojo
Barcelona (Spain)
Architect from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2006, finalising previous studies at the Scho...

Tadeja Zupančič
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Tadeja Zupančič is a professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture. She is Vice-...

Matevž Juvančič
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Is an architect, a teacher and a researcher at the Faculty of Architecture. His research work was in...

Hayal Gezer
Nicosia (Cyprus)
Hayal Gezer is an interdisciplinary artist based in Nicosia. I work mainly with photography, video a...

Rosa Lacavalla
Bologna (Italy)
Rosa Lacavalla is an Italian photographer and visual artist based in Bologna. Graduated in Art Graph...

Sophie Thiel & Miriam Kühler
Sophie Thiel and Miriam Kühler are two young planners (Architecture & Landscape Planning) w...

Ismini Pafiti
Ismini Pafiti am a mother of three boys, an architect and a writer. I won the 2nd prize in the Desig...

Erini Gri
Eirini Gri is an architectural designer from Greece that started and completed her studies in Archit...

Armando Rotondi
Armando Rotondi is an academic, journalist and theatre practitioner from Italy, Associate Professor ...

Marina Papakadi
Marina Papadaki is a Brazilian-Greek architect and ballerina. She graduated in a five-year arch...

Natalie Konyalian
Nicosia (Cyprus)
Natalie Konyalian is a British-born Armenian Cypriot filmmaker and avid photographer based in Nicosi...

Kata Balogh
Barcelona (Spain)
Kata Balogh, from Hungary, Budapest, is based in Barcelona since 2017. She is a multipotential cultu...

Bénédicte Blondeau
Bénédicte Blondeau, born in 1986 in Belgium, lives and works in Berlin. She studied Ph...

Walter Jp Soto
Walter Jp Soto B. (1989) is a Peruvian architect graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Fed...

Christina Danielyan
Christina Danielyan is an actor at the NCA Small theatre and a member of the inclusive dance group &...

Charlie Hatmann
Charlie Hatmann is a young choreographer from Barcelona and now based in London. He started creating...

Betül Peker
Betül Peker is an Interior Architect / Industrial Product Designer from Istanbul. She studied I...

Alenka Korenjak
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
I’m an architect and cofounder of prostoRož. What inspires me more than buildings is the space...

Maša Cvetko
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Maša Cvetko is one of the co-founders of Prostorož. Since 2004 she has been active in th...

Zala Velkavrh
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
As a communicologist and sociologist, I help prostoRož put designs and shapes into words. What makes...

Veronika Antoniou
Nicosia (Cyprus)
Veronika is the co-founder and managing director of Urban Gorillas, a Nicosia-based NGO focused...

Rosaura Romero
Brussels (Belgium)
Rosaura graduated in Architecture (Urban Projects and Urban Cultures) at the University of Ku Leuven...

Ruben Verdu
Barcelona (Spain)
Ruben Verdu is an artist, researcher and writer dealing with issues related to contemporary art. He ...

Alessandro Marinelli
Alessandro graduated in Cinema at Rome University of Fine Arts (RUFA). Since 2003 he has been workin...

Anika Salvesen
Anika Salvesen is a Polish filmmaker based in Norway. She works in both fiction and documentary, wit...