Placemaking Events
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Exploring the sociophysical territory with audiovisual media
After the visual analysis of the cityscape, students of the course Systems of Representation 21/22 continued to explore the socio-physical territory of the city of L’Hospitalet in the second sem
Posted on 23/02/21
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

ES_CULTURA public art festival
ES_CULTURA is a two-day festival organized by the School of Architecture La Salle in Plaça de la Cultura, in Bellvitge, Hospitalet, with the collaboration of the city council. The festival tran
Posted on 23/02/06
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Collaborative collage workshop
During the first semester of 2021-22, the students of the subject Systems of Representation at the La Salle School of Architecture carried out a photographic study in the city of L'Hospitalet. The
Posted on 22/12/22
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

ES_CULTURA open call - selected works
A programme of activities in the Plaça de la Cultura in L'Hospitalet taking place on 26 and 27 November 2022, including 10 installations from the proposals submitted to the open call "
Posted on 22/11/17
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Mapping Places
This installation at Plaza Blocs in Florida in Hospitalet, Barcelona, will be constructed with the texts and photographs submitted to the online competition A-Place MAPPING, which represent and descri
Posted on 22/05/17
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Placing audiovisual narratives
This is the public presentation of videos carried out by the students of the La Salle School of Architecture in Barcelona, accompanied by two audiovisual creators, Claudio Zulian and Miquel Garc&iacut
Posted on 22/05/17
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Mapping and constructing places
This sequence of activities was carried out between April and November 2021. The aim was to involve pupils from different educational levels in a learning process about the sense of place in public sp
Posted on 21/12/19
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Signifying the territory: Video
SDR students produced a video on a topic they found relevant in their previous photographic survey: the history of a place, an artistic intervention in the city, how people use a particular public spa
Posted on 21/12/13
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Mapping the territory: Photographic survey
Third-year students of the subject Systems of Representation (SDR) carried out a photographic survey of the cityscape. The work was carried out in three stages: 1. Photographing L'H.
Posted on 21/11/19
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Urban walk in La Florida neighbourhood
On June 22, 2021, we organized an urban walk through the neighbourhood of La Florida. in collaboration with members of the Espai Jove Sidecar, a community initiative to prevent the risk of social
Posted on 21/11/17
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Competition for mobile place activators
Teams of 3 to 5 students of the LAB Unit of the fourth and fifth year of La Salle School of Architecture will design and build an artefact to be installed in the public spaces of L’Hospitalet wi
Posted on 21/04/01
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Mapping the territory: An analysis of the urban structure
The aim of this study of the city of L’Hospitalet was twofold: 1. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the urban structure and 2. To detect the areas of the city with the greatest p
Posted on 21/01/15