Placemaking Events
A Re-Place

Tadaaam! We are almost done • A Re-Place is like a new place!
In the last steps of the workshop, the participants did their best to fine-tune their design solutions, they made some final touches and prepared everything for the presentation and demonstration. Sin
Posted on 22/04/26
A Re-Place

Reuse and recycle • Learning by doing!
Now, after all the thinking process, things just need to be done! Students have tackled the tasks and started moulding the materials. Through such hands-on work, we were all engaged in ac
Posted on 22/04/25
A Re-Place

Rethinking the design • Planning phase
There are plenty of materials on the site to be reused. But how? Students and mentors, guest and visitors have put their heads together and shared their creative thoughts, pondering the diverse ideas
Posted on 22/04/24
A Re-Place

Yay! • Finally, we go ahead with the work on-site!
After sharing our knowledge and experiences in the lecture rooms, tackling the reuse concepts, by also broadening our horizons in sustainable design, now finally (!) we’ve got to the site. Hands
Posted on 22/04/23
A Re-Place

Guest lecture: 'Renewing Knowledge Production at Floating University Berlin and Haus der Statistik' by Marjetica Potrč
The last guest lecture in A Re-Place cycle before the hands-on weekly workshop on-site was a lecture held by an acknowledged Slovene artist and architect Marjetica Potrč. Her interdisciplinary practic
Posted on 22/04/07
A Re-Place

Guest lecture: 'Three projects' by Tobias Putrih and Aleš Korpič
We continue with the guest lectures in “A Re-Place” workshop and cycle. This time we listened live and also over zoom, to a very interesting lecture held by To bias Putrih and his associat
Posted on 22/04/02
A Re-Place

Guest lecture: 'Social matter' by Antoine Aubinais
The second in the series of guest lectures of A Re-Place workshop was held by Antoine Aubinais, an architect and co-founder of Bellastock. In the lecture, we got acquainted with some of the first Bell
Posted on 22/03/26
A Re-Place

Guest lecture: 'Crop' by Pedro Jervell
The first in the series of guest lectures of A Re-Place workshop was a lecture session titled “Crop” held by Pedro Jervell. We dug into the topic of reuse and search of the avail
Posted on 22/03/24