Conectando con Barrancas
Cada mañana mi hermano me acompañaba caminando al colegio primario a las 6.45am y pasaríamos caminando por Barrancas de Belgrano cantando sus canciones de rap favoritas del momento. Por el mediodía, pasaría a buscarme por el colegio y antes de llegar a barrancas, frenaríamos en un kiosco a comprar dos obleas bonobon q disfrutábamos comiendo sentados en el parque por 5min, luego volveríamos a casa contentos listos para el almuerzo. Con el pasar del tiempo ya en el secundario, comencé a darle otra utilidad a la plaza, esta vez para ir a tomar mates por la tarde con mis amigas, o para previar por la noche los fines de semana. Hoy en día vivo a media hora de aquella plaza, pero siempre que paso en auto para ir a la Universidad, recuerdo todas aquellas memories.

Un fin de semana
Un lugar en el que he crecido. Pasear, conversar, desconexión con la realidad, disfrutar el sol, la vista y a mi familia.

Stepping into an unexplored world
Niharika Mathema
Ahh! That enticing old book scent, the feel of turning fresh new pages and relishing the printed words... spending time in my cosy reading nook filled with “portable magic” transports me to new lands, takes me on a journey to far away places and mysterious worlds and yet makes me feel like home. I find solace between the pages of the book. It spurs my creativity and imagination. That feeling is so unique.
If you want to live a thousand lives before you die, read books!

The curtain light
Abdul Kafeel
The light coming in through the curtain of my bedroom window wakes me up every morning to say good morning. I drink tea while I open the curtains to start the day.
Good morning Barcelona ...

Sound of peace
This place reminds me of childhood. Sometimes I come here just to sit and enjoy the view. I let the warmth wrap me in a hug and comfort me as i dream of the good old days. This is a place where i let myself think of you, father. I think of the joke you told me, the kiss on the forhead you gave me. I know as i sit here, you are sitting next to me. This is the place where i can feel you. I feel you sitting next to me, smilling, enjoying the sun setting in the distance. This is the place where i you can hear me. I will forever be gratefull of the memories we made, for the feelings i feel when i am here. This will forever be my favourite place.

The curtain light
Abdul kafeel
La luz que entra por la cortina de la ventana de mi dormitorio me despierta cada mañana para darme los buenos días. Bebo un té mientras abro las cortinas para empezar el día.
Buenos días Barcelona...

Memories on the shelf
On the shelf in the living room of my apartment, above the fireplace, I see the gift of two friends I met during my international master's degree in Gent, Belgium (one from India and the other from Mexico). I don't know when or if I will see them again, but I know it was a connection far beyond beliefs, cultures or habits. It was just a person to person connection and every time I look at these gifts, I think about how I felt when I was with them, the dinners we used to prepare with different dishes that I had never tasted before, and how amazing it was to share and exchange these new experiences with them...