Ana Lucía Carrillo
Es un especie de canal en una colonia que se utiliza para la tempora de lluvias, esta cubierto por pasto, y se asemeja a un parque lineal aunque n o está pensado para serlo, en ese espacio suelo correr y jugar con mis mascotas arriba y abajo, jugar con la pelota el disco.

The curtain light
Abdul Kafeel
The light coming in through the curtain of my bedroom window wakes me up every morning to say good morning. I drink tea while I open the curtains to start the day.
Good morning Barcelona ...

The curtain light
Abdul kafeel
La luz que entra por la cortina de la ventana de mi dormitorio me despierta cada mañana para darme los buenos días. Bebo un té mientras abro las cortinas para empezar el día.
Buenos días Barcelona...

The largest waves in the world: Nazaré, Portugal
Alejandra Rivera
I have never seen such power, such energy and vitality in the ocean as in Nazaré, Portugal. Each strong wave, large and noisy is a reminder that this planet is alive and active. Almost flown with the wind, I immerse in a landscape of high energy. Everything around me is naturally moving: the ocean, the wind, birds flying, trees and grass try desperately to hold on to earth. I feel part of this movement, I jump and I am dragged by the wind. I feel alive. There is power all around us, and power within us, everything we know, see, hear and feel is energy. These waves, this landscape is a gift and it is only a small window to all of earth's wonders. It is our responsibility to respect, coexist and protect this planet, our own, one and only beautiful home.