Mi lugar seguro
He recorrido muchas ciudades, he visto muchos atardeceres. Pero jamás he visto uno tan bonito como los que veo en mi lugar seguro, mi hogar. Todas las tardes solía salir al patio para poder admirar semejante obra de arte, son unos colores que me dejan sin palabras y con una sensación y sentimiento que no he vuelto a sentir en ningún lugar por más bonito que sea. Es por eso que cuando pienso en tranquilidad y paz, pienso en los atardeceres de mi lugar seguro.
Sunset in Copenhagen
Alejandra Rivera
Mystical element is the sun
ardent and hot like only himself
sometimes cloudy, rainy and doubtful
sometimes strong, firm and secure
Orange, yellow or light blue
whatever you want to be
how and when you want to
no questions, no doubts about yourself
Just wanting to want to be
to grow, to believe
to live and feel and laugh
to sometimes cry, but always rise
Shy, alone, unique being
furious and fearful
how could it be
Alone, tender, alive, he is red
the slow world passes at his feet
without grudges nor fears
no doubts, no rush, no breeze
only him
Soon I dream, I live, I believe
to go beyond to a future thing
a dream and a feeling, and a laugh
here and there he has to come
even in your absence you leave light,
your peace, your place, your solitude
even in your absence you are present
with hot brushstrokes captured in steam
Calm, smooth, intact water down below
with no worries, no memories to flow
fluid it dances and elapses here and there
being, seeing, hearing, going where?
Colored mist that attracts, what do you hide?
captivates, embraces, overwhelms
the secrets of heaven
ephemeral, agile, soft as the wind
Furtive, fleeing time that escapes at birth
where have you gone? where have you gone?
at the beginning or escaped suddenly to the end?