feeling of past and present in one moment
i'm interior architect student in the north of cyprus. most of the time i'm walking around historical ruins in the city. in this view we passed near the st George of the Latins (the remains of one of the earliest churches in famagusta) and in one moment i had strange feeling . it was as if all the energy was there. i though for a moment what had happened here , what people have lived here . and once i came back to the present and saw in what calm and good weather i'm passing by this historic ruins with my best friend (my dog) and i quickly felt the past and present in one moment.

Small things to love
Are great things necessary to love?
Sometimes the smallest things are not enough to light the fire of love in your heart?
Proof that we shouldn't expect big things for love. Seeing her sunbathing in her corner every morning when I wake up makes it more meaningful to wake up every morning. You can't even imagine how full of love this tiny creature is. The little thing that shines with love in my house of concrete that surrounds me. I say small because it's really small. With this little one, he taught me that in order to love, one should not have expectations. We must love to love by accepting all our differences, our diversity, we must bring out love from a tiny glimmer without expecting big things because this world needs love.

La meva iaia i la meva gossa
En aquest lloc passejava a la meva gossa amb la meva iaia i m'agradava molt passar temps amb elles, i ara que cap de les dues estan aquí ho recordo amb estima.