...the corridor of memory...
Ariuna Bogdan
I have got an antique mirror, a chair and a writing desk from my mother-in-law. In my new house, there are reflections of them that create a corridor of memory. My books, film festival badges, brushes and paints, and an unfinished painting also fall into this corridor. I like a lot the poster featuring the meeting with Artavazd Peleshyan which I stole from the bulletin board... All this was before the 24th of February. Since then I have stopped working as a journalist, I cannot paint and watch movies. Since the war in Ukraine began, I have been looking at the portrait of Sonya, which you can see next to my writing desk, painted by Christian Schad (1928) and I have been thinking about her destiny as a German refugee during WW2. Next to the portrait it is a dried bouquet that was given to me before the war. I do not throw it away in the memory of last February. There is a wooden house on the windowsill our son is playing with. I look at this house and think that many people have lost their homes. I have also lost in the baroque curls of the mirror, in the corridor of memory, and I do not know when I am able to visit my homeland again.

on the river
This river, located at the north-eastern end of Catalonia, begins its course in the Pyrenees and, after traveling 208 km and covering a basin area of 3,010 km2, flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The route allows you to discover the legacy that the river has left on its banks, symbols of the dynamism of its people. And it also allows you to discover a changing landscape: high alpine mountain, medium mountain, agricultural, coastal, urban, riparian and wetlands.

Passeig de l’Hesperia/Paseo del Hesperia
Lucianne C.
Es un lloc molt tanquil al que pots anar a relaxarte , si tens fills pots deixar als nen al parque del costat i sentarte al bancs de la foto.

Llac al parc de Bellvitge
Víctor L.
Aquest lloc em sembla molt bonic ja que fa que el parc aporti moltes coses, et pots relaxar i per últim fa una bona estètica.

Lucía Moya
Els meus amics i jo hem passat per aquella zona un parell de vegades, l’edifici és bonic però no és una zona que solem transitar.

Parc de Bellvitge
Un lloc positiu perquè és un lloc on els nens i nenes petits poden anar a jugar.

Rambla Marina
Judith S.
Un lloc per passejar amb la família o amics. Pots passejar per tota la rambla, i depèn de que èpoques de l’any hi ha petites botigues.

Parc de Bellvitge
Alba U.
És un parc on de dia està ple de gent gran i de nens, però pel vespre i quasi la nit, s’omple d’un ambient no gaire bo.

Parc infantil Rambla Marina
Lucianne C.
És un parc tranquil però mai dona el sol, així que fa una mica de fred.