Recuerdos en el Centro
Diego Cardenas
Morelia, es una ciudad muy pequeña del Estado de Michoacan, Mexico, al tener una limitada extensión territorial, el centro de Morelia es el principal Nicho y punto de reunión de las familias que viven en esta ciudad. Es común ver cómo las familias los fines de semana disfrutan de este espacio realizando diferentes actividades recreativas y culturales, por lo que a mí el ir a este espacio me recuerda todas esas experiencias realizadas con mi familia y amigos .

Conectando con Barrancas
Cada mañana mi hermano me acompañaba caminando al colegio primario a las 6.45am y pasaríamos caminando por Barrancas de Belgrano cantando sus canciones de rap favoritas del momento. Por el mediodía, pasaría a buscarme por el colegio y antes de llegar a barrancas, frenaríamos en un kiosco a comprar dos obleas bonobon q disfrutábamos comiendo sentados en el parque por 5min, luego volveríamos a casa contentos listos para el almuerzo. Con el pasar del tiempo ya en el secundario, comencé a darle otra utilidad a la plaza, esta vez para ir a tomar mates por la tarde con mis amigas, o para previar por la noche los fines de semana. Hoy en día vivo a media hora de aquella plaza, pero siempre que paso en auto para ir a la Universidad, recuerdo todas aquellas memories.

Healing shadows
The cabinets of the hallway are filled with old photographs.
Memories flood you each time you pass.
One morning, I noticed how the sunlight was focused on a particular frame.
The one with me and my sister as kids outside our old home, I'm wearing a pink dress and she is in her jean suit.
I've never spoken about her with love, words have always been hard to articulate.
The past seems to haunt me often.
But the sunlight was so sweet that day, her face bright with a smile.
It reminded me of the smiles we used to share instead of tears, the screams of laughter instead of anger.
I could see her again & I was reminded that the darkness of the past will always haunt you unless you shed light on it.
Winner of the fourth prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experiences of domestic places" 2022

My Slice of Heaven
Niharika Mathema
My home has a sacred ground in my heart. It is a place where I can be my weirdest and the most authentic self. A place that will be right there waiting for me when I come back. A place where the stress of life melts away evoking a sigh of relief within and reminds me of the countless memories and values that shaped me as I walk through. Home means that no matter how challenging life gets, there will be someone looking out for me.
It’s the warm bed that I can’t get out of in the morning, the inviting aroma of tea brewing in the kitchen, the taste of mom’s breakfast while I am still tousle-haired and sleepy and the endless conversations at the dining table. It's the distinctive sound of the gravel as dad rolls down the car into the driveway, the wonderful sight of my grandparents talking their morning stroll, the ever-growing collection of books to be read on that shelf.
There’s no place on earth I’d rather be!

Sound of peace
This place reminds me of childhood. Sometimes I come here just to sit and enjoy the view. I let the warmth wrap me in a hug and comfort me as i dream of the good old days. This is a place where i let myself think of you, father. I think of the joke you told me, the kiss on the forhead you gave me. I know as i sit here, you are sitting next to me. This is the place where i can feel you. I feel you sitting next to me, smilling, enjoying the sun setting in the distance. This is the place where i you can hear me. I will forever be gratefull of the memories we made, for the feelings i feel when i am here. This will forever be my favourite place.

My favourite person
Gemma Jimenez
In this place, is the first time that I saw my brother, it was at this moment my life changed but now, he is my favourite person and the most important in my life. I will always remember this moment because it was a new beginning.
Winner of the fourth prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experience of places" 2021

Mercat municipal
Paula G.
Conec aquest mercat des de ben petita i sempre he anat a comprar.

Rambla Marina
Judith S.
Un lloc per passejar amb la família o amics. Pots passejar per tota la rambla, i depèn de que èpoques de l’any hi ha petites botigues.