Soiree "My Neighbourhood... my Place”: Poetry and Fado in A Future Place
NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova University Lisbon, the Nova Institute of Philosophy, AMIGLuz Association, and the A-PLACE Project announce a Soiree to present the winners of the contest “My Neighbourhood... my Place”. The program takes place on Saturday, 25th September 2021, at 5 pm, at Largo da Associação Bairro Padre Cruz (Rua Rio Zêzere, Nº 3), in Lisbon, and will include moments of poetry and memories of the neighbourhood. The special guest is the young fado singer Martim Saragasso D'Aires.
“My Neighbourhood… my Place” is a poetry and prose poetry contest that aims to poetically reflect on the past, present and future of Padre Cruz neighbourhood and its places, through texts and other creative forms proposed by its residents or frequent visitors with the objective to create and strengthen ties between people and the places they inhabit.
This event is carried out as part of "A Future Place", a placemaking activity of A-Place project, and happens in Padre Cruz Neighbourhood, Lisbon.
Soiree: “My Neighbourhood…. My Place”
Date: Saturday, 25th September 2021, at 5 pm.
Local: Largo da Associação Amigos da Luz (Rua Rio Zêzere, Nº3, Lisboa).
For more information visit Poetry / Prose Poetry Contest “My neighbourhood… my place”.
Other Info & contacts:
Maria Irene Aparício
A-Place Lisbon Team
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Maria Irene Aparicio
Lisbon (Portugal)
Maria Irene Aparício (Ph.D. in Cinema, New University of Lisbon, 2011) is a researcher of Cin...