A window to my soul
Azbah Ansari
This window on West tells me the weather outside. It protects from direct light and heat as it's covered with greenery outside, but it gives me the message of God through its shine and the intensity about the seasonal changes in my city. When it rains in summers, I sit on the couch and listen to the heavenly sounds and miss the sunshine while enjoying the dark clouds. And when the sun rays peak in during the winters, I thank God for protecting me with His warmth. This is my favorite spot at home, it opens my mind and nourishes my soul, and this is where I sit down to write my heart out usually.

Conciencia y agradecimiento
Donde estoy?
Conciencia material, habito este cuerpo.
Boca seca, donde esta el vaso con agua? sabor a una noche pasada, trago con dificultad, boca seca, sed, trago de nuevo y por impulso abro los ojos, observo, respiro.
Agradezco y me levanto.

Emilia Piccione, Berta García, Alejandro González
The possible intervention and the place generate a new connection between the housing and public space. The place links the coexistence of these spaces with the tranquility of its recesses. The streetlights allow a possible intervention to be extended both horizontally and vertically to generate a point of attraction between the poles. Finally, the place tries to activate and connect but at the same time maintain the essence of tranquility.
Path to Nirvana
Suruchi Didolkar
Sanchi Stupa in Madhya Pradesh, India is one of the oldest Rockcut stupas. I was on a study trip when I happened to visit this place. It carries a lot of sanctity, calmness and tranquility that one would wish to run away from their daily chaos. The architectural details in the stupas resemble the Eightfold principles leading to liberation in the form of 'Nirvana'. The carvings, monasteries and lush gardens of Sanchi Stupa have been designated as the World Heritage site by UNESCO and thus it truly catches the eye where one can experience enticing natural beauty.