A Confined Place Open Call is still running
#AconfinedPlace OpenCall is still running until May 31st 2020!
We are creating a repository that records, envisions and triggers actions and experiences about the sense of place during the period of confinement. All the information about the call can be found here.
So far, we have been receiving outstanding entries!
To check them out and submit your project to the call go to the facebook event page. The entries can be in any creative format. Selected works will be awarded 500, 300, and 200 euros respectively.
Media Productions (Mixed media):

A Playful Place
Marina Kyriakou, First prize (category #ARediscoveredPlace) open call "A Confined Place&qu
Posted on April 13, 2021

An Everyones Place
Charlie Hatmann, Second prize (category #ARediscoveredPlace) open call &q
Posted on April 13, 2021

A Habits Place
Marina Papadakis, Third prize (category #ARediscoveredPlace) open call "A Confined Place&q
Posted on April 13, 2021

A Social Place
Sophie Thiel and Miriam Cooler, First prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A
Posted on April 13, 2021

A www Place
Johannes Mundinger, Second prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A Confined P
Posted on April 13, 2021

A Strategic Place
Eirini Gri, Third prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A Confined Place"
Posted on April 13, 2021