The Open Call A Confined Place is now closed - 96 entries from 19 countries
We have received 96 entries for the two categories “Reimagined place” and “Rediscovered Place” with participation from 19 countries from Europe and beyond!
An outstanding selection of works - including photographs, drawings, videos, montages, and manuals- that are an expression of the endless possibilities of artistic creation, even in moments of countless limitations in our world!
You can check out the entries here:
A multidisciplinary jury will select the winners of the 6 awards.
The results will be announced on June 30th
Media Productions (Mixed media):

A Playful Place
Marina Kyriakou, First prize (category #ARediscoveredPlace) open call "A Confined Place&qu
Posted on April 13, 2021

An Everyones Place
Charlie Hatmann, Second prize (category #ARediscoveredPlace) open call &q
Posted on April 13, 2021

A Social Place
Sophie Thiel and Miriam Cooler, First prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A
Posted on April 13, 2021

A www Place
Johannes Mundinger, Second prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A Confined P
Posted on April 13, 2021

A Strategic Place
Eirini Gri, Third prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A Confined Place"
Posted on April 13, 2021