A Confined Place Open Call
Open Call
A-Place is announcing “A-Confined Place”, an interdisciplinary initiative, in the form of a repository that records, envisions and triggers actions and experiences about the sense of place during the period of confinement.
In these extraordinary circumstances, we are experiencing the spaces which we inhabit in a unique way. The current Covid-19 crisis may have temporarily limited our activities in physical space, yet our capacity to produce meaningful spaces, that is places, has not disappeared.
We invite you to reflect and share your experience in the confined places –using mixed techniques, including texts and storytelling, drawings, photomontages and photographs, audio-visual works and performances– along these two categories:
1. #ARediscoveredPlace
The experience of time and space in our everyday lives during the time of confinement. Expressions and visualisations of life under this new reality, as we re-invent our homes, our gardens, balconies, and rooftops into new places to host new activities; and rediscover the potential and aesthetic qualities of emptied streets, and public spaces.
2. #AReimaginedPlace
Newly discovered forms of place and community in physical and digital space at a time of social distancing. Actions and events that transform and/or reimagine spaces, cityscapes or communities, triggering a new sense of place and solidarity in communities.
Submission instructions
We invite you to submit original works, made by individuals or groups and produced during the time of confinement.
Post your work in Facebook and/or Instagram at with a project title, in the format of “A________Place” by filling in the blank to give a title to your work, accompanied with a small descriptive text (max 100 words).
You will need to include the following hashtags for each entry:
#aplace #aConfinedPlace #CreativeEuropeAtHome #placemaking #yourcity #yourcountry #category
For example, if you are posting a project about the transformation of a place in Nicosia, Cyprus:
#aplace #aConfinedPlace #CreativeEuropeAtHome #placemaking #Nicosia #Cyprus #AReimaginedSpace
Submissions from now until May 31st, 2020
A multidisciplinary jury composed of A-Place project partners, will be appointed to select three winners in each category.
Three selected works in each of the two categories will be awarded 300, 200 and 100 Euros.
The jury will determine the winners in each category according to the following criteria:
- the capacity to artistically express the sense of place during the confinement with a particular media
- the potential of the performed action to transform physical and social space during the time of confinement, and beyond
- the social impact of the action, its capacity to reinfornce ties between the community
- the communicative value of the work in the social media
Conditions for participation
A-Place will disseminate the submitted entries through the communication channels of the project. The submitted works will be displayed in physical exhibitions after the confinement period.
Authorship of all works will be acknowledged in all instances. Unless otherwise noted, the work will be credited according to your social media profile name.
A-Place does not claim copyright or responsibility for authorship, permissions etc. on the material presented.
Media Productions (Mixed media):

A Playful Place
Marina Kyriakou, First prize (category #ARediscoveredPlace) open call "A Confined Place&qu
Posted on April 13, 2021

An Everyones Place
Charlie Hatmann, Second prize (category #ARediscoveredPlace) open call &q
Posted on April 13, 2021

A Habits Place
Marina Papadakis, Third prize (category #ARediscoveredPlace) open call "A Confined Place&q
Posted on April 13, 2021

A Social Place
Sophie Thiel and Miriam Cooler, First prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A
Posted on April 13, 2021

A www Place
Johannes Mundinger, Second prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A Confined P
Posted on April 13, 2021

A Strategic Place
Eirini Gri, Third prize (category #AReimaginedPlace) open call "A Confined Place"
Posted on April 13, 2021