A (travelling) Sound Place from Lisbon across the world
Read in English, Portuguese
NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nova University Lisbon, the Nova Institute of Philosophy, The Lisbon Uncommon Association, and the A-PLACE Project announce “A Sound Place”, an interdisciplinary performance and installation to discover the travelling sounds of Mouraria neighbourhood, as well as the imaginary sounds of the place and its local communities, transformed by means of artwork.
With this activity we intend to promote the idea of “travelling sounds” as shared memories and emotions; sound as a common sense of community and belonging; sound as a symptom of permanent changing nature of a multicultural contemporary society. Sound shapes spaces and can transform them into places. A place can become familiar by its sounds, or its music, along with its sight or smell… it can be pleasant or unpleasant, a quiet place or a noisy one. If one changes the sounds of a space, the place will never be the same.
This event is carried out as part of the A-Place project and happens in Mouraria Innovation Centre (Rua dos Lagares 23, 1100-022 Lisboa, Portugal | at Martim Moniz) and there will be a live stream by Uncommon Lisbon (Streaming link).
Programme: to be announced
Date: Saturday, the 31st October 2020
Time: 5 p.m. (GMT +00:00)
Live Stream: Youtube Channel | Uncommon Lisbon
Other Info & contacts:
Facebook | A-Sound Place
Lisbon Cultural Agenda
Maria Irene Aparício: maparicio@fcsh.unl.pt
Jaime Reis: jaimereis.pt@gmail.com
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